There is a new aviation company in town...EvolveAir breaks the mold for private travel, forging the way for all to fly private and challenging us to remember that Time Has No Price Tag.
Photo credit: EvolveAir
With horror stories abounding of interminable lines and wait times in crowded airports for people just trying to get from point A to point B, and the outrageous costs of flying private or owning and operating a plane, the stage seems to be set for a different kind of travel experience. Israel Luzunaris, president and CEO of EvolveAir, feels the same way. “There is a need for efficient, transparent and luxurious private travel. People are tired of the commercial experience and exorbitant charter costs,” he says. “We wanted to create a way for more people to fly private.”
And that’s just what they’ve done. EvolveAir aims to provide an alternative to travel woes by offering a two-step model, which enables one to become a shared owner of a fleet of aircraft, an option it believes is much more cost-effective and productive.
Heralding the message that time has no price tag and encouraging us to Break Free and rethink our travel routines, the EvolveAir program broadens access to private travel through a simple and transparent two-step approach.
EvolveAir customers, better known as owners, pay a one-time share price that includes an annual allotment of hours and a monthly service rate that includes all costs associated with owning an aircraft. And the VIP experience is guaranteed: The plane will be delivered to any regional airport at no cost with complimentary limo service, and a concierge will assist with scheduling and accommodations ensuring your journey is as enjoyable as your stay.
The EvolveAir model focuses on ownership of award-winning, factory-new aircraft. Meet the first member of the fleet. Deemed ideal for frequent regional trips within a one- to three-hour radius of Houston, the Cirrus SR22T is the number one single engine aircraft in the world. Its seats three and is the only plane that deploys a parachute from its roof. On the horizon for EvolveAir is the purchase of a Pilatus PC 12 NG that seats ten and has BMW designed interiors. It’s perfect for longer range trips. As a bonus perk, owners will have the freedom to use either plane at any time through a simple hourly conversion rate. Owners receive bonus depreciation of their asset annually and at the end of their term receive a check for the market value of the plane and an option to upgrade to the latest model. Thus they save money and time while leaving the stress and details behind.
There is a philanthropic promise as well. EvolveAir’s mission is to inspire people, through community involvement, programming, and advocacy, to evolve in every facet of life. According to Myra Johnson, director of sales and marketing, “We want to help people maximize their time, break free and live the life they have been dreaming about.”
Join the cause by entering the Break Free Spotlight Contest. Email breakfree@evolveair.com with a photo or video and a few words about how you have evolved in life for a chance to be featured in an upcoming ad or be awarded a round trip flight for two.