Children At Risk's Accolades informs about Human Trafficking and Red Sand Project
By Connie Kwan-Wong | Photography by Roswitha Vogler | Date: October 23, 2015

Rep. Senfronia Thompson, Melissa Wilson, Tammi Lang Campbell

CHILDREN AT RISK’s annual Accolades Luncheon at Hotel Zaza raised more than $260,000 to help stop human trafficking in Texas.
CHILDREN AT RISK, the Citizen’s Committee to End Human Trafficking and honorary chair Molly Gochman, welcomed 300 guests. All spoke about the need to end the demand for human trafficking, and to not let our children slip through the cracks and be lured into sex trafficking.
Gochman, an artist and human trafficking activist, introduced the Red Sand Project, a multi-disciplinary artwork that uses earthwork installations and participatory sidewalk interventions to raise awareness about modern day slavery. Marginalized people who fall through society’s metaphoric cracks are often overlooked. To recognize those at risk, people are asked to fill a sidewalk crack with red sand and then to document their sidewalk transformations on social media using #RedSandProject. An installation is located in midtown Houston at 1302 Dennis Street.
As guests arrived, they were greeted with champagne and classical music performed by YES Prep orchestra. Guests purchased surprise bags filled with elegant treasures, before entering the Phantom ballroom for the luncheon and program emceed by FOX-26 anchor Melissa Wilson.
CHILDREN AT RISK honored State Representative Senfronia Thompson and Senator Joan Huffman for their work to put an end to this horrific crime.
Faces in the crowd: Carolyn Farb, David Cordua, Kyle Jennings, Marsha Feldman, and Andrew Linbeck.
CHILDREN AT RISK has fought for over twenty years to improve the outlook and future for the children of Texas. As an organization that has evolved into a statewide catalyst for change, we continue to create innovative solutions to seemingly insurmountable issues. Research shows there are between 100,000 and 300,000 American children lured into sexual slavery every year. By continuing to increase awareness, and drafting and successfully passing key pieces of legislation, we hope to substantially reduce the number of victims of this horrendous crime. For more information, visit