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Dr. Susan Snider Osterberg: A Crusader for the Arts

CKW Luxe is proud to announce that Dr. Susan Snider Osterberg is our honoree for the Astral Light Award. This award goes to a philanthropic woman who is inspiring and transforming lives through art or music.


Dr. Susan Osterberg is an educator in the University of Houston System, Arts and Humanities Department, where she is concluding an extensive research study on the physical and emotional components pre- and post-performance. During her exceptional career, Dr. Osterberg has been associated with arts education in a number of ways from her association with the Nina Vance Alley Theatre and the Elementary School for Creative and Performing Arts to her residency with the National Endowment for the arts. As a consultant to the Houston Independent School District, Dr. Osterberg advised the Houston Superintendent of Schools on various policy decisions and the implementation of an arts education curriculum. As an advocate for the arts, Dr. Osterberg has worked tirelessly on the boards of the Houston Symphony League, the Houston Ballet Guild, and Young Audiences of Houston. Recognizing the needs of others, Dr. Osterberg contributes her time, abilities, and compassion to finding resolutions to those needs. CKW Luxe would like to thank Dr. Osterberg for making a meaningful difference in the lives of so many through her work in arts education and congratulate her on being our Astral Light Award honoree.

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