Erica Rose Passes the Texas Bar Exam
Former Reality Television Star

Erica Rose, well known for her appearances on The Bachelor, Bachelor Pad, and You’re Cut Off, has passed the Texas Bar Exam. Five days after writing the demanding exam, she gave birth to her second daughter, Aspen Rose Sanders. Aspen joins big sister, Holland.
Rose is a graduate of The University of Houston Law Center. She also has her Master of Law in Entertainment Law.
With the title, Esquire, next to her name, Rose is now a licensed attorney and practices with the prestigious family law firm Holmes, Diggs, & Sadler in Houston. Rose’s famous parents, noted plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin A. Rose and world-renowned silhouette artist Cindi Harwood Rose, and husband Charles, who is also a lawyer, couldn’t be prouder.
As the mother of two young daughters, Rose is passionate about the issue of child custody. For that reason, she makes it her goal to help her clients divorce as amicably as possible. As well as family law, her firm’s other practice areas include LGBT relationships, property and asset division, adoption, and international family law. Rose has been a long-time supporter of the LGBT community, and in 2009 she spoke and was honored at the Human Rights Gala alongside actress Christine Baranski.
With an amazing year almost behind her, in which she got married, passed the Texas Bar Exam, gave birth to her second child, and joined her dream firm as a practicing lawyer, perhaps Rose will accomplish another long-held dream: that of becoming the next Judge Judy. With her intelligence, drive, and tenacity, we can only assume this will happen sooner than later.