HGOco Announces “Cowboy/Cowgirl Crooner” Auditions for
Das Barbecü Opening Act
To be Held on Open Mic Night, March 27, at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck

Houston Grand Opera’s HGOco will hold auditions for Cowboy/Cowgirl Crooners who could be hired as the opening act for the company’s production of Das Barbecü at Jackson Street. BBQ and Neon Boots Dancehall & Saloon in April. Auditions take place on Open Mic Night, March 27, at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck.
Das Barbecü, a fast-paced and raucous retelling of Wagner’s epic Ring cycle, will be presented April 23 at Jackson Street BBQ and April 30 at Neon Boots Dancehall & Saloon. Five actors play more than 30 roles in this comic take on opera’s most spectacular saga, complete with mismatched lovers, a double shotgun wedding, and family feuds all wrapped up in a Texas-sized heap of Wild West fun. Songs run the gamut from Broadway to Texas swing, from jazz to twangy country and western. Ticket prices include a barbecue feast and a drink. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for dinner with performances beginning at 7 p.m.
March 27, 6 p.m. sign up, 6:30 auditions
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, 2425 Norfolk, Houston, Texas 77098
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About Houston Grand Opera
Since its inception in 1955, Houston Grand Opera has grown from a small regional organization into an internationally renowned opera company. HGO enjoys a reputation for commissioning and producing new works, including 62 world premieres and seven American premieres since 1973. In addition to producing and performing world-class opera, HGO contributes to the cultural enrichment of Houston and the nation through a diverse and innovative program of performances, community events, and education projects that reaches the widest possible public. HGO has toured extensively, including trips to Europe and Asia, and has won a Tony, two Grammy awards, and two Emmy awards—the only opera company to have won all three honors.
Through HGOco, Houston Grand Opera creates opportunities for Houstonians of all ages and backgrounds to create, participate in, and observe art. The NEXUS Initiative is HGO’s multi-year ticket underwriting program that allows Houstonians of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy world-class opera without the barrier of price. Since 2007 NEXUS has enabled more than 225,000 Houstonians to experience first-quality opera through discounted single tickets and subscriptions, subsidized student performances, and free productions.
Media Contact: Melissa Arredondo, melissa@elmorepr.com, 713-524-0661
Director of Communications: Judith Kurnick, jkurnick@hgo.org, 610-585-1945