Is Now Certified for the Presidential Volunteer Award
CKW LUXE is proud to be a certifying organization for the Presidential Volunteer Award, which allows us to bestow this unique honor on volunteers of all ages. Each volunteer will accumulate a truly impressive number of service hours through our volunteer opportunities in order to qualify for the award.
Award recipients will be presented with the following:
A Presidential Volunteer Award certificate
A pin or medallion
A congratulatory letter from the president
A CKW LUXE Making a Difference Award certificate

Here are some of CKW LUXE Volunteer Opportunities
To learn more about the Presidential Volunteer Award and CKW LUXE volunteer opportunities, please email us at contact@ckwluxe.com.
Gratitude to First Responders
Show our gratitude to Houston’s First Responders by baking them cookies and making them thank you cards. This activity requires you to provide your own cookie-making supplies. For all ages.
Cards for Seniors
Support our seniors and brighten their day by making them cards with uplifting messages. The cards will be distributed by Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels. This activity requires you to provide your own supplies, such as paper, crayons, markers, or stickers. For all ages.
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
Get crafty and make cheerful cards for children who are in the hospital. The cards will be distributed by Cards for Hospitalized Kids. This activity requires you to provide your own supplies, such as paper, crayons, markers, or stickers. For all ages.
Kids' Meals Bag Decorating
Decorate lunch bags for Kids' Meals, Inc. The bags will be used to pack the lunches the organization puts together for many of Houston’s kids. The organization’s mission is to end childhood hunger by delivering free healthy meals to the doorsteps of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children, and, through collaboration, provide their families with resources to help end the cycle of poverty. This activity requires you to provide your own supplies, including paper lunch bags, crayons, markers, and stickers. For all ages.
Book Drive
Host a book drive for Books Between Kids, a nonprofit organization that serves Houston’s at-risk children by providing them with books to build their own home libraries. Books Between Kids accepts new and like-new children’s books appropriate for Pre-K through fifth-grade readers. For all ages.
Flowers and Love
Visit residents in assisted living facilities and senior centers taking with you the gifts of flowers and love. We recommend each volunteer brings three to five bouquets of flowers. For all ages.
Birthday Bundles for Kids
Bundle birthday celebration supplies for Houston-area families in need. Bundles will be delivered to Birthday Bundles for Kids. Birthday bundles typically include: Happy Birthday banners; party hats; tablecloth, plates, napkins, and cups; cake mix, icing mix, and cake candles; noise makers; foldable décor; party favor bags and small party favors; gifts, toys, and books; balloons; and a birthday card. For all ages.
Hygiene Packs
Bundle hygiene packs for BEAR...Be A Resource for CPS Kids (BEAR). BEAR provides hope and help for abused and neglected children and the caseworkers who protect them within Harris County. Hygiene packs include: 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner, bars of soap, individual toothbrushes and toothpaste, and deodorant. Baby hygiene packs include: baby wash, baby lotion, baby powder, and diaper rash ointment, should you want to assemble your own.