Franco-American Medical Relations Are Alive and Well
The American Hospital of Paris Foundation holds its annual gala in NYC

Michel David Weill, Donna Chapman Robert Sigal

Michel David-Weill, Donna Chapman, Marshall Wais


Michel David Weill, Donna Chapman Robert Sigal
General Editor: Margaret MacMillan
Publisher: Connie Kwan-Wong

The Celebration
The American Hospital of Paris Foundation Award Gala was held at the sophisticated Metropolitan Club in New York City. The chic event, which is held annually, benefits the American Hospital of Paris. For over a century, the hospital hasbeen the meeting ground for the shared collaboration of French and American medical exchange, science, and excellence. As a nonprofit, it relies on revenues from operations and on the generosity of patients, donors, and patrons to continue to bring together the best in French and American medicine. Donna Chapman was this year’s dinner chairman and Kitty Resor was the cochair. Michel David-Weill was honored for his pivotal role in creating lasting relationships among American and French counterparts.
The Story
An international coterie of guests representing Houston, Palm Beach, New York, and Paris were in attendance. The lively cocktail hour was followed by an elegant dinner, the award presentation, and remarks. Attendees were entertained with a lovely violin recital and participated in a silent auction of luxury items.
The Moments
Donna Chapman presented Michel David-Weill, with his award, saying, “We are honored to recognize Mr. David-Weill, an extraordinarily respected and gracious man. We are deeply appreciative of his involvement and generous support of the American Hospital of Paris for over 30 years.”
Guests: Donna and Max Chapman; Howard and Gretchen Leach; Kitty and John Resor; Claude Wasserstein; Laura and Mark Yockey; Francine LeFrak and Rick Friedberg; Sharon Jacquet; Marshall and Deborah Wais; John Crawford; Richard Chiu; Robert Sigal; Joan and Frank Ginsberg;Christiane and Jean Claude Gruffat;John and Margo Catsimatidis; Molly Crownover: Elizabeth Matthews; Edward and Rini Ziegler:Cyrus Vance, Jr.; Anne-Claire Legendre; Denise LeFrak; Ray and Veronica Kelly; Susan Gutfreund; and Linda Wachner.
About The American Hospital of Paris Foundation
Since its founding in 1976, the American Hospital of Paris Foundation has played a vital role in representing the American Hospital of Paris in the United States. Based in New York City, the foundation is committed to raising funds to strengthen the Hospital’s ties with its partners in the United States and France. Its ongoing support of medical exchange programs ensures that the American Hospital of Paris remains at the forefront of French and American medicine through the organization of joint scientific symposiums; physician, nursing, and medical student exchange; and research and academic collaborations.