Spiritual Health Is the Inaugural Topic of the New Body, Mind, and Spirit Luncheon Series
CKW LUXE underwrites a new luncheon series that benefits The Women’s Home

General Editor: Margaret MacMillan
Publisher: Connie Kwan-Wong

The Celebration
On Thursday, January 23, 2020,40 guests gathered at the elegant Palm Houston for the first ofthe new Body, Mind, and Spirit Luncheon Series.Underwritten by CKW LUXEmagazine, the series benefits The Women's Home, a remarkable nonprofit that helps women and families reclaim their lives by focusing on a WholeLife® approach to self-care and healing. By embracing the whole person, The Women’s Home prepares women and their families for becoming empowered and productive forces in their communities.
The Story
It was the WholeLife® approach that inspired the new luncheon series, offering others the chance to explore this model of care for themselves. "Our WholeLife® model addresses six different areas of wellness: emotional/mental, financial, physical, social, spiritual, and vocational," says Anna Coffey, CEO of The Women's Home. "When Connie [Kwan-Wong] of CKW LUXE came to us with the wonderful idea for this body/mind/spirit luncheon series, we felt it was a perfect partner to the holistic healing method we offer our clients." In this fast-moving world where there are so many demands on our time and attention, these luncheons offer people the chance to slow down and practice self-care in a thoughtful setting.
The Moments
Dr. John K. Graham, President/CEO of the Institute for Spirituality and Health, explored how and why spiritual health is important to a person's overall health.
The remaining luncheons in the series will take place on May 21, 2020 and September 17, 2020. They will also be held at The Palm.Future speakers will be announced.
Tickets are $75 per person for each luncheon and can be purchased online
at https://www.thewomenshome.org/ckwluncheonseries/ or by contacting Emily Clark
at eclark@thewomenshome.org or by calling 713-328-1965.
About The Women’s Home
A charity like no other, The Women’s Home has been helping women build whole lives for going on 60 years. During this time, it has been successful in offering many women, a number of whom are homeless and lack job skills due to substance abuse and mental illness, a home and a model of care called WholeLife®. Its mission statement is: The Women’s Home builds communities that strengthen women and support families as they reclaim their stability.